I absolutely loved shooting in a Herb Ritts style! An iconic photographer.
Still Life w/ a Flower... / Encinitas Commercial Photographer
Assignment 3 brings me to a still life photograph using a flower...
January Beach Day / Encinitas Photographer
The light was perfect in the middle of the afternoon. Encinitas in January is the place to be...
Stella Maris Encinitas / San Diego Commercial Photographer
New local Encinitas business...Stella Maris! Beautiful jewelry, art and apparel. https://www.etsy.com/listing/208176506/unique-handmade-glass-bead?ref=shop_home_active_2
How Many Times... / San Diego Lifestyle Photographer
How many times have you just wanted to go to the beach but found out the high tide was too high? Then you realized the sand that used to be there is no longer there due to the recent big swell...My little one made the best of things and danced...
Air / San Diego Lifestyle Photographer
Another Project 52 assignment: AIR... It's a concept shot. Show "Air".
Lit from behind. Light pointed up to the background from back of the set. I hand held a bare flash overhead.
Encinitas Street Fair / San Diego Lifestyle Photographer
It was a picture-perfect day at the Encinitas Street Fair on Sunday. Lots and lots of good food and great products on display.
Easter Eggs / San Diego Food & Lifestyle Photographer
My lovely and talented daughter made Easter eggs this past Sunday. I purposely left the mess so I could make a photograph using window light and a white card...
Limes / San Diego Food & Lifestyle Photographer
Stacking / San Diego Food & Lifestyle Photographer
I tried something new thanks to a wonderful photographer, Rick Gayle. It's my first attempt but I am inspired...
Ingredients / San Diego Food & Lifestyle Photographer
Cooking with Chili's / San Diego Food & Lifestyle Photographer
This was assignment 51 of Project 52 with Don Giannatti...Cooking with Chili's. Shoot to layout.
She's almost 5 1/2...San Diego Lifestyle Photographer
Inspiration for this comes from David Eustace photographer...
Behind the Scenes / San Diego Food and Lifestyle Photographer
This shot took a little longer than anticipated. I didn't shoot tether this time so I viewed every photograph through the camera. Lining up each utensil in a straight line took a little time. This was a fun shoot and I will definitely re-shoot this one to balance the photograph even more.
What did I learn? Shoot tethered, always...Use a fresher looking tomato...bring my white cards in closer. Overall, I'm happy with this one. Learn and grow!
And the final image...
Project #43: Hope for the New Year
New Years Day, Encinitas
The New Year started off with Rose Parade and then a walk along the beach. Somewhere between Beacon's beach and Stonesteps beach in Encinitas I see these pylons and steps. It's probably 75-100 feet from top to bottom. In the past I've told myself (when the lighting was even lower in the sky) I must make a photograph of this. Today, this photograph was made around 2pm but the sun is at a lower angle in the winter than in the summer so it still worked (in my humble opinion). I'll do it again toward sunset next time...Enjoy.
New Website...New Blog
What a year this has been! 2013 was a period of growth in my craft as a photographer. Because of Project 52, Don Giannatti and the encouragement from other photographers from around the world, I see light and shadows differently than ever before. I pushed my limits weekly with real life projects.
February started with The Stranger project (I have a funny story to go along with it) that really pushed my comfort level. What? I have to walk up to a stranger and ask them if I can make a portrait of them?
With every project I completed and heard the critique, I grew and developed. Things I never saw in the viewfinder I now see. Different angles, different composition, different lighting...and so on.
We are on Project #42 and I've done all but three. I made the commitment to do them all but life just gets in the way sometimes. And that's okay.
I have a great support group with Project 52 but I get the greatest support from my amazing wife, Daina.
She is my rock...period.
So, here's the reward for some tough work this year...a new website.
And here's to continued growth!