I'm thinking this can be a nice two page spread for a magazine??? Plenty of editorial space.
Red Hot Chili Peppers... / San Diego Commercial Photographer
BBQ Utensils / San Diego Still Life Photographer
Personal project using bbq utensils. The background is a cookie sheet turned over...
Still Life w/ a Flower... / Encinitas Commercial Photographer
Assignment 3 brings me to a still life photograph using a flower...
Simple Subjects, Simple Design
Simple... / Encinitas Photographer
A vision statement for my work... I photograph simple subjects and use a simple design.
Stella Maris Encinitas / San Diego Commercial Photographer
New local Encinitas business...Stella Maris! Beautiful jewelry, art and apparel. https://www.etsy.com/listing/208176506/unique-handmade-glass-bead?ref=shop_home_active_2
Jewelry Photography / San Diego Commercial Photographer
Jewelry photography for Stella Maris, a new Encinitas small business...